Supplemental Practice in Specific Areas

Word Problems! Data Analysis! Algebra! Geometry!  

Previews & Digital Downloads Immediately Available on Teachers Pay Teachers

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Algebra 1 Essentials
Self-help Guide to Algebra 1!

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$6.00 per set

Algebra 1 Warm-Ups
(4 sets available + Bundle!)

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Pre-Algebra Google Forms
Fix those Fundamentals!

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$5.00 to $6.00 per set

Geometry Warm-Ups
(3 sets available + Bundle!)

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Geometry Google Forms
Set 1 currently available!  

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Coordinate Geometry

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$5.00 to $6.00 per set

Word Problems Warm-Ups
Focus on Applications!

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$5.00 per set

Data Analysis Warm-Ups
Analyze data & displays!

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No Calculator Warm-Ups
Build mental math skills!

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$5.00 to $6.00 per set

Google Forms
Word Problems Warm-Ups

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$5.00 per set

Google Forms
Data Analysis Warm-Ups 

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Google Forms
No Calculator Warm-Ups

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$2.50 per set

EASEL Snapshot
Data Display Levels 1 & 2

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EASEL Snapshot
Mean, Median, Mode, Range 

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EASEL Snapshot
Probability Part 1

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EASEL Snapshot

 Develop those foundational math skills!  Focus on specific problem areas!!